Veteran Services Center
G306 Student Center Building
UCI is at your service
VA education benefits help veterans, service members, and their qualified family members with resources, such as paying college tuition, books, and housing. The role of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships is to coordinate your federal, state, and institutional aid with the Veteran Services Center to ensure that you receive the maximum allowable aid. For a full description of benefits, visit the Veteran Services Center website.
Veterans Benefits FAQ
Can I apply for financial aid to supplement my Veterans Benefits?
What is the Cost of Attendance (COA) and how could it affect my financial aid if I use VA education benefits?
Your Cost of Attendance (COA), also referred to as your budget, is the estimated cost to attend UCI for one year, and is used to determine the total amount of financial aid you are eligible to receive. It includes direct costs that will be charged to your student account that you are responsible to pay, such as tuition, fees, and room and board (if you live on campus). It also includes average estimates for indirect costs associated with going to college, for items like books, transportation costs and personal expenses.
The total amount of financial aid that you receive from any source (federal, state, institutional or outside agency) cannot exceed your cost of attendance.
Where can I find more information about my specific Cost of Attendance?
You can review your Cost of Attendance by logging in to your ZotAid portal.
If my Cost of Attendance (COA) is exceeded, how will this affect my financial aid award? Will I have to reimburse UCI if I am over-awarded?
The coordination of Veteran Benefits with other financial aid awards, including UCI Grant, follows a UC systemwide policy. The UC Education Financial Model formula is below:
Cost of Attendance (budget)
- (minus) parent contribution from FAFSA (or student contribution if Independent)
- (minus) Federal Grant (Pell Grant, SEOG, Veteran Benefits)
- (minus) State Grant (Cal Grant, CHAFEE, Cal Vet Fee Waiver, MCS)
- (minus) Blue & Gold Opportunity Plan
- (minus) Federal Direct loans and federal work study
= UC Grant award amount (also called your ‘demonstrated need’)
If a student is initially awarded UCI Grant and later becomes eligible for Veteran Benefits or other financial aid, their financial aid award will be revised if necessary in accordance with the UC awarding formula above. It may be necessary for you to repay financial aid already received once your aid offer is revised.
It is possible for a student to receive both UCI Grant and Veteran Benefits if they have sufficient demonstrated need.
Federal Veterans Benefit
This is gift aid provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs for education and training purposes to students who are active or were active in military service. There are several different types of awards called chapters. All but Chapter 33 and Chapter 31 are paid directly to the student veteran. Chapter 33 and 31 pay for UC Tuition and other fees directly to the campus. Dollars paid directly to the campus may affect other forms of financial aid, beginning with loans and work-study, and may affect UC Grant in accordance with the formula above.
Fed Vet Dependent Aid
This is gift aid provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs for education and training purposes to students who dependents of active or formerly active duty military members. There are several different types called chapters. All but Chapter 33 and Chapter 31 are paid directly to the student. Chapter 33 and 31 pay for UC Tuition and other fees directly to the campus. Dollars paid directly to the campus affect other financial aid programs, starting with UC Grant, in accordance with the formula above.
Is it possible to increase my Cost of Attendance (COA) budget? If so, what is the procedure to notify the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (OFAS)?
If you incur educational expenses that are greater than the standard cost of attendance, you may contact our office to request a Cost of Attendance increase review. Expenses must be incurred during the current academic year, and you must provide documentation for all requested budget additions. If a COA increase is approved, the difference between your current budget and your increased budget will likely be funded with additional loan eligibility.
Expenses that may be considered for COA appeals include:
- Rent/mortgage and utilities,
- On-campus residence hall fee, transportation,
- Computer purchase,
- Necessary medical/dental/optical expenses,
- Childcare expenses and/or special books and supplies.
You will be asked to complete an on-line request documenting the COA increase.
You also should expect to justify expenses by providing supporting third-party documentation such as:
- Copy of a signed lease/mortgage/housing contract,
- Copies of receipts/cancelled
- Checks/billing statements and/or an itemized list of approved special books and supplies that are required for a class.
To request an appeal, please call the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at (949) 824-8262 starting in August.
The Cal Vet Fee Waiver
The Cal Vet Fee Waiver is a California state benefit that waives mandatory system-wide Student Service Fee and tuition for eligible dependents of veterans.
Applicants must meet California residency requirements as stated by the Registrar's Office, or be a nonresident eligible for AB540.