The Law Enforcement Personnel Dependents Grant (LEPD) Program

The Law Enforcement Personnel Dependents Grant Program (LEPD) offers need-based grants to the dependents and spouses of California peace officers (Highway Patrol, marshals, sheriffs, police officers), Department of Corrections and California Youth Authority employees, and full-time firefighters killed or disabled in the line of duty. These grant awards match the amount of a Cal Grant award, ranging from $100 to $12,192 for up to four years. Apply here.

Who Can Apply

For dependents and spouses of:

  • California peace and law enforcement officers
  • Officers and employees of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
  • Dependents of deceased or disabled California Fire Fighter
  • Students who are eligible to complete a FAFSA, must apply annually.

Annual Amount

Grant awards range from $100 to the full amount of a Cal Grant award.